Saturday, December 1, 2007

Walking For The Cause!!!!!

The girls and I decided to support the cause. We did our first walk-a-thon for the Arthritis Foundation. Notice we said WALK. Sad thing is we still took last. Took us 20min. exactly, for one mile. This was not due to my illness, it was because Ashley thinks she has pneumonia or something. Fun was had by all. I also won a 25.00 gift certificate to Home Depot. I have never won anything in my life. The event for our area raised 50,000 dollars. Very exciting.


hughes' said...

You are killing me with the walk a thon!! Somehow, in all my years as your sister, I never imagined any of us doing anything physical for any cause!!! You go girl!!! Only wish I could have been there with you!!!

Susanne Goodin said...

Hey - you started a blog - good for you. I am going to put a link to yours from mine and check it often. Have a great week!