Friday, September 19, 2008

KissMe, I'm From Dixie

This guy is so cute. He comes and gets his hair done where I work. He is trying to get a record deal. Ashley is in love with him. Check him out. Too Cute!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Third Week Of School

I know everyone posted their first day of school pictures. It just does not seem to be as exciting around here. Maybe it is because I have to go back too. Also the girls are not as thrilled about having their pictures taken either. (As you can tell) But it is all off to a good start. Ashley is officially in High School and Savannah is in Junior High. No more babies. I hope that makes you all feel as old as it makes me feel.

Are You Ready For Some Football

And our last event of the day was the football game. Once again she did great. She was hot and tired and a little sore. She had three showers and 3 wardrobe changes. Thank you to all those that have helped us to get to this point. It has paid off. Oh yeah and we won.

Pep Rally

Our second event of the day was the pep rally. Can I tell you that it was hot as heck in there. But Ashley did great. She successfully threw all her back hand springs. First time in front of a crowd. She was totally loving that I seem to show up with a camera all day long. It is good to have connections.


Ashley and Ms. Jodi.

Mom and Ashley
Ashley, Ms. Traci, and Ms. Kilene. Ashley making her sales pitch.

Ashley and Ms. Emilie.
So are first official day of football. The day begins with selling booster badges and the local elementary schools. Her first was the school I work at. Lucky for Ashley everyone loves her there and she was able to sell all hers.