Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jonas Brothers

Finally the long awaited day has come. The whole reason to live according to Savannah and Taylor. THE JONAS BROTHERS CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!! Much preperation went into the big day. Aunt Ging made sparkly shirts. They had glitter in their hair and sparkles on the eyes. The car was decorated. And Aunt Tori got a nap. It was everything and more that they wished for. A BIG thank you to Aunt Tori for the tickets and great night.

Table Dancing

Maddie has developed a love for the song Coming to America by Neil Diamond. We could not control her from dancing on the table and dressing like she was from the 80's.

3 A.M.

This is what you look like at 3 in the morning. The cat was none to happy to be woken up. She just sat on the table and stare at us.

Iron Man Competition

Each of those weights weighs 240lbs. The kids thought this was pretty cool. We tried to enter Paul, but they would not take him.


I have to say that my girls have much to learn about bowling. You can tell by their form, and use of the bumpers. Very funny. Warning if you sit behind them, some ball were known to launch backwards.

Pink Monopoly

Uncle Greg agreed to play monopoly with Taylor and Savannah. Savannah was just upset she had to give away her money. Greg was trying to teach the rules, but all the girls saw is $$$$$!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eye of the Tiger

We are not sure if this is the original music video. Next family reunion we are so making a music video!!!!!!!!!!

A Little Tribute to Mom and Dad

Dad rallied the family for a little inspirating Neil Diamond. How sad that all of us know this song.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Only 11 More Days For Mama Mia

We are so excited that they are making a film for adults that they just break out in song. All the children are totally making fun of us. This will get back at them for the 5oo times we have had to watch High School Musical 1 and 2.

I Like To Move It, Move It - Madagascar

This is Maddie and Aunt Trish's favorite video. It makes us laugh.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Evolution of Dance

If you are having a bad day you need to watch this. You can't not laugh at this. My children had to watch this 3 times to prove that this was not their Uncle Greg.

You Tube

My little brother has taught me a new thing. He has taught me how to put You Tube clips on my blog. This is the coolest thing ever. I just wanted to warn ya that you will probably see a lot of this.

Footloose - Original Music Video

I had to prove to the girls that the Jonas Brothers did not invent the Skinny Jean. What better way than to make them watch Footloose.

Tim Mcgraw and Def Leopard - Nine Lives

This makes me very happy.

Let's Get this party Started

Tori, Trish, and Ginger. We were good at sitting here giving out directions.
Savannah wants to know when the burgers are going to be done. We tried to tell her she doesn't have to sit in a kids chair anymore!
Ginger is taking control. She has her I'm In Charge Look.
Taylor, Savannah, Sierara, and Sam.
All the kids and Grandma and Grandpa.

The Official 4th of July Pictures

The girls!!
Ashley and Mom. Ashley had three wardrobe changes that day.
Savannah and Mommy!!!
Trish and Ginger
Hard to believe he is my little brother. (Paul)

A Whole New Smile

The long awaited day has come. Ashley got her braces off. She has worn them for over 2 years. She is happy to be starting high school without them. Before